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【福华/华夏】Valentine's Day





*情人节贺文小甜饼育儿日常+表白 无脑甜 祝单身狗们食用愉快 












*对话和人名会用英文以及是不是蹦出来一两个英文单词英语渣的垂死挣扎语法错误请忽略 忍不住好多地方用了英文 以后有空梓墨会来编辑把翻译在括号里补上的


















『 221b Baker Street 』







伦敦冬日的天气昏昏沉沉的,朦胧细雨飘个不停。我们的神探陷在扶手椅里,却是一脸的惬意。Rosa 坐在他的膝上,晃着两条腿。







“ Uncle Holmes , tell a story , please......”Rosa 瞪着水汪汪的大眼睛看向 Sherlock,“It’s too boring .”







“All right. What did we talked about last time?”Sherlock 架起小提琴,拉出一段乐章作为故事的前奏,一般心里默默腹诽着自己以前好像说过什么“Kids are the most annoying creatures in the world .”之类的话。







“Emm,<The Four Signatures> I think?”Rosa 歪着头想了一会儿。







“Yeah, you’re right.That’s when your parents met each other.”Sherlock 停下手中的琴弓,“So let’s talk about the idiots of Scotland yard today, I mean , besides the Uncle Lestrade .”







Then he was soon interrupted by a voice .







“I thought I told you last time Sherlock ,” John 从屋外走了进来,“Don’t tell Rosa your bloody detective stories.She’s only a kid now. Don’t leave her such scaring impression on her.”







“I must say that as a doctor, you’re so sensitive. It isn’t like you and exactly unnecessary .I’m only reading your blogs to her,”Sherlock 不可置否地放下了John的电脑,“but as a father ,that’s okay. Maybe you’re right , they’re not really acceptable for her .Rosa, you had better listen to your Daddy and go to watch Peppa Pig.”







“Sherlock, emm, ”John 从口袋里掏出一张他刚刚从楼下信箱里拿出的invitation card,“there will be a reunion of my high school classmates tonight and each of us were asked to take someone with us, and you know, of course I can’t take her . She isn’t adjust to that kind of atmosphere . So would you mind ......”







“ You think I will adjust to that atmosphere?”Sherlock 挑了挑眉,“but if you like me to go , I will probably go and pretend to adjust.”







“That’s great ,and thanks for it.”John 看了眼表,“We need to be hurry .”







“No thanks for friends, John .”Sherlock 起身披上了黑色呢子外套,拿起墙角的雨伞,“ Mrs. Hudson , please help to look after Rosa . John and I may come back late tonight.”







“Oh Sherlock , I’m your landlord , and not your babysitter.”







『At the reunion party』







“This is my friend , colleague and roommate .” John is thinking of words to describe and introduce Sherlock to one of his high school friends, “And he is a consulting detective and the god father of my daughter.”







“Oh? That’s sound interesting. Nice to meet you Mr. Holmes .”







“Arr... Nice to meet you too.”







“ John ,” Sherlock 戳了戳John的肩,“ I’d leave for a second.”







“ That’s not weird for Sherlock.”John 想着,眼前晃过一个身影停在他的面前,it’s Lawrence.














“You boyfriend?”上扬的语调突然就有些激怒了John。







“ He is not my boyfriend!”John的语气有些激动,“And I would never want him to be. I warn you not to say it again , Lawrence .”







“Okay, okay. I won’t. Don’t be angry.”Lawrence的语调中带着笑意走远了,“you’re still easy to become angry just like years ago John .”







“ What’re you arguing about?” Sherlock不知何时回来了,站在John的身后,伸手用两指就扣住了他的手腕,皮肤下的脉搏跳动得清晰有力。







”I’ve heard all of that. John, you had to admit that you are really poor at lying ,aren’t you?” Sherlock的蓝色眸子look into John的棕绿色双眼,眼中笑意更甚,俏皮地wink了一下,“especially in my eyes.”







John 似乎想说些什么,但Sherlock不给他丝毫的间隙而继续说了下去。







“ You want and you soon will be ,forever , and from now on.”Sherlock 不知从何处掏出一支鲜艳的红玫瑰,插进John胸前的西服口袋里,灯光昏暗看不见那人通红的耳廓,轻轻俯到他的耳畔 and whispers,“Happy Valentine's Day ,my dear doctor.”







And also a few words our detective didn’t speak out “ I am sure that I ‘d love you every day to death , my Watson.”







 “I love you ,too.”And this what our doctor wanted to tell his genius detective Sherlock Holmes .







「The ghost of Moriarty :我恨!」














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